
Showing posts from August, 2017

Michael Hardin on Paul's Letter to the Romans

Below you'll find a link to a series 5 presentations on Romans that have been helpful to me. I don't agree with Douglas Campbell's take on Romans (which Hardin draws on heavily) but it's an interesting series of presentations nonetheless. Enjoy! *grins*

Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20 (Tables of Offenses)

A while back, I entered a discussion with a Baptist acquaintance online about whether Leviticus forbids homosexuality. Motivated by our conversations, I decided to take a thorough look at the the chapters where the Levitical "clobber passages" occur. The results are below. Hope they're useful!

Introduction: That Wild-Eyed Episcopalian

Um...hi. Daniel here. Who am I? Nobody special. Just an Episcopalian want-to-be follower of a perpetually troublesome Galilean, trying to make sense of what he reads in Scripture. This will be a place to post  Bible studies, philosophical and theological reflections, plus occasionally other things as the mood strikes me. By the way:  if this site had a warning label, it might say "HERESY INSIDE! HANDLE WITH CAUTION!" ... Are all the Perfectly Orthodox gone now? Good! *sigh of relief* Anyway, if you're still around, happy reading, and I hope you find something in my ramblings that helps you on your own faith and life journey. Shalom.